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  • [名言]dream英文名言

    dream英文名言,英语名言,1、一切活动家都是梦想家。All activists are dreamers.2、苦难无法阻挡梦想的前行。Suffering can't stop the dream forward.3、梦想,是来自宙斯的礼物。Dream, is a gift from Zeus.4、理想的实现只靠干,不

  • [短信]情人节祝福语大全英语

    情人节祝福语大全英语,情人节短信,1、人生有时候,总是很讽刺。一转身可能就是一世。Life sometimes, always is ironic. A turn round is probably I.2、虽然有时会想你、虽然每天都起你,不想再爱过头成了痛。Although sometimes think you, althoug

  • [句子]美好祝愿的英文句子

    美好祝愿的英文句子,经典句子,1、你们是天生的一对,祝你们永远幸福。You are born a pair, I wish you happy forever.2、祝你们俩有丰富的爱和幸福。I wish you both a wealth of love and happiness.3、可贵的东西世间稀少--这正是为什么属于你的

  • [句子]美好的英文短句

    美好的英文短句,经典句子,1、牵起你的手微笑,让全世界都知道,你是我一生中最大的骄傲。Hold your hand and smile, let the whole world know that you are the greatest pride in my life.2、烟就和感情一样不能换,换了就抽不出味道来了。Sm

  • [诗句]美好的英文爱情诗句

    美好的英文爱情诗句,抒情诗句,1、你微微地笑着,不同我说什么话。而我觉得,为了这个,我已等待得久了。You smiled and talked to me of nothing. And I think, for this, I have been waiting long.2、成功是一个相关名词,他会给你带来很多不相关的亲戚联

  • [语录]每天一句励志语英语

    每天一句励志语英语,励志语录,1、成功者绝不放弃。Winners never give up.2、低头是一种能力,它不是自卑,也不是怯弱,它是清醒中的嬗变。The bow is a kind of ability, it is not inferior, not timid, it is clear in the evoluti

  • [说说]qq空间个性说说英文

    qq空间个性说说英文,个性说说,1、因为你,我懂得了爱。I know what love is, it is because of you.2、你的微笑,我一生的解药。Your smile, the cure of my life.3、爱情,只是生活的信仰物。Love, is only the life belief.4、头靠在我

  • [语录]励志的英语短文

    励志的英语短文,励志语录,1、目标的实现建立在我要成功的强烈愿望上。The realization of the goal is based on the strong desire to succeed.2、拿的起,放得下。凡事别勉强!Take it, put it down. Don't be forced to

  • [句子]简单美好的英文句子

    简单美好的英文句子,经典句子,1、爱的承诺,在一起长大的约定中绽放笑脸。Love's promise, grow up in the promise of a smile.2、你要记得,紫檀未灭,我亦未去。You have to remember, red sandalwood is not destroyed, I a

  • [名言]关于梦想英语名言

    关于梦想英语名言,英语名言,1、有梦者事竟成。The dream has become a dream.2、如烟往事俱忘却,心底无私天地宽。Forget all the past smoke, selfless world wide.3、梦境每是现实的反面。Dreams are the opposite of reality.

  • [句子]美到心痛的英文句子

    美到心痛的英文句子,唯美的句子,1、太柔软的心,不敢敞开给人任意伤,只能背起坚硬的壳,继续流浪。Too soft heart, not open to people any injury, can only carry a hard shell, continue to roam.2、最难受的是听着自己喜欢的人说着他喜欢的人,还要

  • [句子]爱情告白的英文句子

    爱情告白的英文句子,表白的句子,1、我的世界只有你懂。My world only you understand.2、我要幸福的昏倒了!I'm going to faint!3、请你当我手心里的宝。Ask you to be the treasure in my palm.4、我已经有喜欢的人了。I already have

  • [语录]曼德拉英文语录

    曼德拉英文语录,名人语录,1、勇敢的人并不是感觉不到畏惧的人,而是征服了畏惧的人。A brave man is not the one who can't feel the fear, but the one who has conquered the fear.2、不要习惯了黑暗就为黑暗辩护。Don't g

  • [名言]迈克尔杰克逊名言英文

    迈克尔杰克逊名言英文,英语名言,1、我再次重申:我永远都不会伤害一个孩子。媒体上写的那些关于我的不实之词让我厌恶。I repeat: I will never hurt a child. What about my false media writing makes me dislike.2、只要心中有爱,就不会迷失。As lon

  • [句子]美到窒息的英文句子

    美到窒息的英文句子,唯美的句子,1、爱那么短,遗忘那么长。Love is so short, forgetting so long.2、我在怀念,你不再怀念的。I'm miss, miss you no longer.3、一个人,一座城,一生心疼。One people, one city, a lifetime love

  • [短信]英文祝福短信

    英文祝福短信,经典短信,1、回忆绑住了我们的时间,时间扯断了我们的回忆。Memories tie our time, the time break our memory.2、越长越漂亮越长越聪明,在新的一年里健康快乐地成长!The longer the more long more beautiful, more inte

  • [名言]有关旅游的英语名言

    有关旅游的英语名言,英语名言,1、旅行是真正的知识的伟大源泉。Travel is a great source of knowledge.2、一个人抱着什么目的去游历,他在游历中,就只知道获取同他的目的有关的知识。A person with what purpose to travel, he was traveling, he

  • [短信]情人节英语祝福语

    情人节英语祝福语,情人节短信,1、她看动画片,你不但不准笑话她,还要跟她一起看。She watching cartoon, you are not allowed to be laughing at her, not only with her.2、我不相信永远的爱,因为我只会一天比一天更爱你。I don't belie

  • [句子]英语情话大全

    英语情话大全,爱情的句子,1、我愿用温柔,为你赶走这个世界的阴霾。I would like to use gentle, drive away the haze of the world.2、每个你认为幸福的回忆,其实都带着伤。Each do you think of happy memories, all with the

  • [名言]玛丽莲梦露名言英文

    玛丽莲梦露名言英文,英语名言,1、在我们老去之前要好好活上一把。害怕多笨啊,悔恨也很傻。We should live a good life before we get old. Fear of how stupid ah, regret is also very silly.2、浓妆艳抹之下,笑容的背后,我只是一个眺望世界的小
