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  • [名言]马克吐温幽默名言

    马克吐温幽默名言,经典名言,1、远离那些企图让你丧失雄心的人吧。小人经常如此,而真正的伟人会让你觉得你也可以变得伟大。Stay away from those who are trying to make you lose your ambition. Small people often do, and the real g

  • [名言]马克吐温名言英文

    马克吐温名言英文,英语名言,1、黄金时代一去不返。Golden age gone.2、如果你收养了一只饥饿可怜的狗,并且让它舒适顺利,它将不会咬你,这便是一个人与一只狗之间最主要的差别。If you adopt a hungry dog and make it comfortable, it won't bite yo

  • [名言]马克吐温的英语名言

    马克吐温的英语名言,英语名言,1、真相比小说还要不可思议。The truth is even more incredible than fiction.2、预言是人类唯一一项无法经由练习而改善的技术。Prophecy is the only technology that can not be improved through

  • [名言]马克吐温的英语名言

    马克吐温的英语名言,英语名言,1、真相比小说还要不可思议。The truth is even more incredible than fiction.2、预言是人类唯一一项无法经由练习而改善的技术。Prophecy is the only technology that can not be improved through

  • [格言]英语经典人生哲理格言

    英语经典人生哲理格言,英语格言,1、人之所以能,是相信能。Can, is that the people can believe that.2、要随波逐浪,不可随波逐流。To chummed, do not go with the flow.3、心中有所牵挂,生命才会坚强。Some in the heart, life will

  • [句子]经典爱情英文短语

    经典爱情英文短语,爱情的句子,1、越是试图忘记你,越是记得深刻。The more trying to forget you, remember the more profound.2、每次说对不起时,都是发自内心的。Every time when you say, I'm sorry, is from the heart

  • [句子]旅行的唯美英文句子

    旅行的唯美英文句子,唯美的句子,1、旅行对青年,是教育的一部分;对于老年人是部分经验。Travel to youth is a part of education; it is part of the experience of the elderly.2、像旅行一样自由,绝不只是说远游时漂泊不定的航线。旅行使人自由,只不过因为旅

  • [名言]旅行的英语名言

    旅行的英语名言,英语名言,1、生活好比旅行,理想是旅行的路线,失去了路线,只好停止前进。Life is like a journey, the ideal is the route of travel, lost the route, had to stop moving forward.2、一个人抱着什么样的目的去游历,他

  • [语录]洛奇英文经典台词

    洛奇英文经典台词,经典语录,1、但只有当你开始相信自己时,你才拥有真正的人生。But only when you begin to believe in yourself, do you have a real life.2、总有一天你会吞闪电,放雷屁!One day you'll swallow a flash of

  • [名言]罗素名言中英文

    罗素名言中英文,英语名言,1、我们两次出生于这个世界,第一次是为了存在,第二次是为了生存。Two times we were born in this world, for the first time in order to exist, the second is to survive.2、使我们无法自由和高尚地活着的最

  • [名言]罗素名言英文版

    罗素名言英文版,英语名言,1、在世界上一切道德品质之中,善良的本性是最需要的。In all the moral qualities of the world, the nature of goodness is most needed.2、我逐渐学会对自己和自己的缺点漠不关心,逐渐学会把注意力更多的放在外界的事物上。I gr

  • [名言]关于旅行的英文名言

    关于旅行的英文名言,英语名言,1、旅行在我看来还是一种颇为有益的锻炼,心灵在旅行中不断进行探索的未知事物。Travel in my opinion is still a very useful exercise, the mind is constantly exploring the unknown things in tra

  • [名言]关于旅游英语名言

    关于旅游英语名言,英语名言,1、旅行教给人们宽容之美德。Travel to teach people the virtues of tolerance.2、绝不离开自己祖国的人充满了偏见。Never leave their country full of prejudice.3、旅行虽颇费钱财,却使你懂得社会。A journe

  • [语录]乱世佳人经典台词英文

    乱世佳人经典台词英文,经典语录,1、有时候走错了一步,就会离原来的路越来越远。Sometimes take a wrong step, will be farther and farther away from the original road.2、即使让我撒谎,去偷,去骗,去杀人,上帝作证,我再也不要挨饿了。If I have

  • [句子]最美的英语爱情句子

    最美的英语爱情句子,爱情的句子,1、从很早开始就知道,我害怕孤单。Since early know, I'm afraid of lonely.2、淡定是因为你不怕死,我比你淡定是因为我比你不怕死。Detachment is because you are not afraid dead, I'm better t

  • [句子]幸福甜蜜的英文句子

    幸福甜蜜的英文句子,幸福的句子,1、你的一句滚,你是不经意,我却伤透了心。You of a roll, you are a casual, I was torn.2、勇敢的追求幸福,这就是向日葵的花语。Brave the pursuit of happiness, this is sunflower says.3、最浓的情,总是冷

  • [句子]龙族经典句子中英

    龙族经典句子中英,经典句子,1、因为爱,不后悔。Because love, do not regret.2、死亡不是一种病。Death is not a disease.3、真丑陋啊,这个世界。Really ugly ah, this world.4、我真没想过,要当英雄啊。I never thought I would be

  • [句子]最唯美的英语句子

    最唯美的英语句子,唯美的句子,1、不是玩不起,只是输不起,不是不认真,只是怕伤心。Not cannot play, just can't afford to lose, is not serious, just afraid of sad.2、我站在宿命的手心里,一直未曾脱逃。I stood fate hands hea

  • [句子]最唯美的英文句子

    最唯美的英文句子,唯美的句子,1、说再见别说永远,再见不会是永远。Say goodbye don't say forever, goodbye is not forever.2、别让过去的悲伤和对未来的恐惧,毁了你当下的幸福。Don't let the past sadness and fear of the f

  • [签名]最伤感英文个性签名

    最伤感英文个性签名,伤感个性签名,1、这一生,爱过亦痛过。This life, love and pain.2、我们都变了,都长大了。We are all changed, all grown up.3、一个人,只剩下独自相惜。A person, with only a pity alone.4、只要是你,我有什么不愿意。As lo
