
Such a mixture of all kinds of people, the noisy noisy assembly never seen.


The mind is narrow, but he hides his thoughts, his eyes are only a little, but he can look around the vast world.


But you don't know how thin a thread holds the love of a girl like me in your heart.


Then she smiled at me, but reluctantly, because she could not help crying.


I think that only by studying people deeply can we create characters, just as only by learning a language carefully can we speak it.


These souls are waiting for the hand of a friendship to bind their wounds and heal their wounds.


We must have done too many sins in the past life, or we will enjoy the glory in the next life, so God will make our life through the suffering of atonement and temper.


To win a heart that has never been in love is to enter an undefended city.


And let's forget together, you forget a name you shouldn't care about, I forget an impossible happiness.


Only a truly virginal woman can have genuine purity.


I could have asked Marguerite if she was at home, but the porter might have answered that I wasn't; I would have doubted it for two more minutes, for there was hope in doubts.


Life is nothing more than repeated continuous desire.


Death has purified the stench of this rich and obscene place.


The thrill of the tall poplar and the whispering of the willow trees kept the river on its way to sleep.


I remember asking, when I got home, I spent three hours dressing up, looking at my clock and watch hundreds of times, but unfortunately they walked in perfect seconds.


I can't stay at home. I think my room is too small to hold my happiness. I need to pour out my heart to the whole nature.


Life is but the repeated fulfillment of a constant desire, and the soul is but the chaste who keeps the flame of love alive.


Apart from your insult as evidence that you have always loved me, it seems to me that the more you torture me, the more sublime I will be in your eyes when you know the truth.


When a man has no love, he has to be content with vanity. Once he has love, vanity becomes worthless.


The more I feel that women have two ways of loving, that is, to love with the heart, or to love with the senses, and the two ways are causal to each other.


If you like, let's leave. Let's go on a trip.


A man can be content with vanity when he has no love in his heart, but vanity becomes vulgar when he has love.


In her smile, people often find a trace of melancholy shadow, which contains the boredom and sadness of life.


You are unfaithful to women, and sometimes they will not pursue it. But if you hurt their self-esteem, they will never agree.


The pain you want to make me is your proof of my love.


I couldn't help but admit that what she had said to me was reasonable; however, my sincere love for Marguerite hardly matched it.


When love becomes a habit in life, it seems impossible to change it without compromising all other aspects of life.


Love me like a good friend, but not to that extent.


What is even more intolerable is that these tragedies are often caused by grand reasons for upholding certain moral norms.


The sun shines like a pure fiancee to shine on my mistress.


How greedy others are, how selfless she is.


Perhaps living in your heart is the best place, where others can not see, so that we can not despise the love.


Indeed, sometimes what happens in one minute is more effective than the pursuit of one year.


I look at the clouds that float across, and allow my mind to ride in the wilderness.


Only by satisfying their lover's small vanities in daily life can they consolidate their love for them.


When they want to satisfy their vanity, the first thing they think of is us, but they think us worse than anyone else.


All wise and wise people strive towards the same goal, and all great will abide by the same principle: we must be kind, we must maintain youth, we must be sincere!


I can't stay at home any longer. My room seems too small to accommodate my happiness. I want to pour out my heart to the whole nature.


The child is young, but he is the future adult; the head is narrow, but it contains infinite thoughts; the eye is only a little big, but it can see the vast world.


You are the only person I can trust. I can freely think and talk freely before you.


In addition to the ideal life, there is the material life, and the most holy determination has some very thin thread connected with reality, but these are some wire, not easy to break.


It is always difficult to understand the pain of others and comfort them.


Finally I calmed down a little, looked around, and was surprised to find that others were still living without stopping because of my misfortune.


I am blessed and blessed by the power of your hands.


I felt the need to be obsessed with something to kill time, to make time go by so fast that I couldn't detect the passage of time.


She was slightly taller and slimmer, but she had a remarkable ability to conceal this artificial negligence with a little effort in her dress.


If the world has not become perfect all at once, at least it has become better than before.


If you love me, let me love you in my own way.


The more sophisticated the lives of these women are, the more silent they are after death. They are just like some stars, which are as dim as falling and rising.


How selfless others are, how selfless she is.