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  • [名言]常考的英语谚语

    常考的英语谚语,英语名言,1、有钱万事易,无病一身轻。All things are easy without money.2、没有金钢钻,不敢揽瓷器活。There is no diamond drill.3、树大招风,气大遭凶。A tree attracts the wind, and the spirit is fierc

  • [名言]常见的英语谚语

    常见的英语谚语,英语名言,1、不怕人老,只怕心老。I am not afraid of old age, but I am afraid that my heart is old.2、一年富,拾粪土;十年富,多种树。One year, rich, pick up dirt; ten rich, many trees.3、恶贯

  • [短信]中考前祝福语英文

    中考前祝福语英文,经典短信,1、太阳每天都是新的,你是否每天都在努力。The sun is new every day. Do you work hard every day?2、靠山山会倒,靠水水会流,靠自己永远不倒。The mountains will fall, and they will flow by water a

  • [短信]英语毕业班祝福语

    英语毕业班祝福语,经典短信,1、留下相逢的倩影,带走萌芽的相思草,惟有绿色的邮路,载下别离的思念。Leaving the shadow of the meeting, taking the budding Acacia herb, only the green post road carries the thoughts of

  • [语录]茶花女经典语录英文版

    茶花女经典语录英文版,经典语录,1、像这样各色人等混杂,环境喧闹不堪的集会倒是从未见过。Such a mixture of all kinds of people, the noisy noisy assembly never seen.2、头脑是狭小的,而他却隐藏着思想,眼睛只是一个小点,他却能环视辽阔的天地。The mind

  • [句子]茶花女经典句子英文版

    茶花女经典句子英文版,经典句子,1、生活只不过是反复完成持续不断的欲望。Life is nothing more than repeated continuous desire.2、那年,差不多也是这个季节,也是这样一个傍晚,我认识了玛格丽特。That year, it was almost the same season. It

  • [句子]茶花女经典句子英文

    茶花女经典句子英文,经典句子,1、你想给我制造的痛苦只是你对我爱情的证明。The pain you want to make me is your proof of my love.2、我不愿意你因为跟我在一起而有一分钟的遗憾。I don't want you to have a minute of regret bec

  • [短信]新年祝福语中英文

    新年祝福语中英文,春节短信,1、陈年老友,恭喜发财!出门在外,岁岁平安!常回家看看,生活更甜甜!Old friends, congratulations on making a fortune! Stay away from home, safe and sound! Often go home to see, life is

  • [名言]创新的名言英语

    创新的名言英语,英语名言,1、非经自己努力所得的创新,就不是真正的创新。Innovation without its own efforts is not real innovation.2、渐进就是守旧。因此经营理念创新,就要反渐进,务必一步到位。Gradual progress is conservative. Ther

  • [短信]三年级英语祝福语

    三年级英语祝福语,经典短信,1、你将来会成大器的,好好努力吧。You will become a great master in the future.2、只有脚踏实地的人,大地才乐意留下他的脚印。Only those who are down to earth will be happy to leave his footp

  • [短信]五年级英语祝福语

    五年级英语祝福语,经典短信,1、虽然你暂时没成完成这个任务,但我知道为此你下了很大的工夫。Although you haven't finished the task for the time being, I know you have worked very hard for it.2、一千个愿望,一千个计划,一千

  • [短信]五年级英语祝福语

    五年级英语祝福语,经典短信,1、虽然你暂时没成完成这个任务,但我知道为此你下了很大的工夫。Although you haven't finished the task for the time being, I know you have worked very hard for it.2、一千个愿望,一千个计划,一千

  • [短信]祝福语英文给孩子

    祝福语英文给孩子,经典短信,1、即使爬到最高的山上,一次也只能脚踏实地地迈一步。Even if you climb to the highest mountain, you can only take one step at a time.2、宝贝,你幸福所以我幸福!祝你在新的一年里取得更大的进步!Baby, you are

  • [名言]查尔斯狄更斯名言英语

    查尔斯狄更斯名言英语,英语名言,1、人在精神方面受到了最可怕的打击时,往往会丧失神志。People often lose their mind when they are most horrible in spirit.2、像杜蛎一样,神秘,自给自足,而且孤独。Like the oyster, it is mysterious,

  • [名言]查尔斯狄更斯名言英文

    查尔斯狄更斯名言英文,英语名言,1、这个世界是个立身创业的地方,而不是游手好闲无所事事的地方。The world is a place to start a business, not a place to idle about.2、我远在海外的时候,眼睛老是望着家乡。我在那边虽然发了财,日子过的可乏味了。When I was a

  • [句子]经典英语伤感句子

    经典英语伤感句子,伤感的句子,1、我过的很难过,忙碌里还有失落。I was very sad, and I lost my job.2、成长,就是将你哭声调成静音的过程。Growth is the process of turning your cry into a mute.3、有些人注定要离开,何必苦苦纠缠。Some peo

  • [名言]读书的励志名言英语

    读书的励志名言英语,英语名言,1、发奋识遍天下字,立志读尽人间书。Strive to know all over the world, and aim to read all the books in the world.2、立身以立学为先,立学以读书为本。Setting up learning is the first ste

  • [名言]读书的名人名言英文

    读书的名人名言英文,英语名言,1、读书使人成为完善的人。——培根Reading makes a perfect man.2、读书谓已多,抚事知不足。——王安石Reading is much more than understanding.3、书犹药也,善读可以医愚。—&

  • [短信]英文情人节祝福语

    英文情人节祝福语,情人节短信,1、就当我是空气吧,起码你还需要我。When I am the air, at least you still need me.2、夜晚时伴着你的酣声入眠。期待着在你的臂弯里老去。Sleep with your voice at night. Looking forward to growing o

  • [短信]情人祝福语英文

    情人祝福语英文,情人节短信,1、无论如何我都会感谢上苍让我遇见你。因为在我们心里,没有聚散分离,只有爱!Anyway, I will thank God for letting me meet you. Because in our hearts, there is no separation and separation,
