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  • [句子]英语谚语情意重

    英语谚语情意重,谚语大全,1、骨肉天亲,同枝连起。Skin and flesh are kindred to each other.2、会桃花之芳园,序天伦之乐事。Peach Blossom Garden is a joy for heaven and earth.3、兄弟同心家必兴,妯娌和睦孝双亲。Brothers and

  • [句子]英文谚语兄弟情

    英文谚语兄弟情,谚语大全,1、兄弟一条心,黄土变成金。Brothers have one heart, loess becomes gold.2、凡今之人,莫如兄弟。No man today is like a brother.3、骨肉天亲,同枝连起。Skin and flesh are kindred to each ot

  • [句子]一般现在时的句子

    一般现在时的句子,经典句子,1、I usually do my homework in the evenings.我经常在晚上做作业。2、Is he always play the football with the classmates?他经常和朋友踢足球吗?3、I don't have enough money.我

  • [说说]2018英文说说带翻译

    2018英文说说带翻译,经典说说,1、若能一切随她去,便是世间自在人。If I could go with her, it would be at home.2、成功与借口永远不住在同一屋檐下。Success and excuses never live under the same roof.3、愿有岁月可回首,且以深情共白头。M

  • [签名]霸气的个性签名英文

    霸气的个性签名英文,超拽个性签名,1、想跟爷单挑,爷揍你个大熊包!I want to give you a piece of God bear bag!2、把抽烟的钱省下来给媳妇买糖吃。Save the money to buy sugar for his wife.3、你是我的,谁也别想把你抢走!You are mine, and

  • [句子]英文犀利句子

    英文犀利句子,经典句子,1、再坚强,咱也是女人。Strong again, the za is a woman.2、你是不是三鹿喝多了?Are you sanlu drink many?3、少时瞎透,老了咳嗽。When she was blind and old cough.4、无理取闹,必有所图。Unreasonable

  • [签名]qq搞笑英文签名

    qq搞笑英文签名,搞笑个性签名,1、空口无凭,吃饭为据。According to a verbal statement without any proof, eat.2、打死你,我也不会说。Kill you, I won't say.3、揍你个性生活不能自理!Beat your personal life can not

  • [名言]有关友谊的英语名言

    有关友谊的英语名言,英语名言,1、Friends must part。天下无不散之筵席。2、Friend ship remain and never can end。友谊永固。3、Hunger knows no friend。饥难周友。4、A friend is a second self。朋友是另一个我。5、A faithfu

  • [名言]关于友谊的名言英语

    关于友谊的名言英语,英语名言,1、A faithful friend is hard to find。益友难得。2、A friend is best found in adversity。患难见真友。3、A friend is a second self。 朋友是第二个自我。4、Hunger knows no friend。饥难
