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  • [句子]与送别有关的谚语英文

    与送别有关的谚语英文,谚语大全,1、少日犹堪话别离,老来怕作送行诗。When I was young, I could say goodbye, but I was always afraid to write a farewell poem.2、寒雨连江夜入吴,平明送客楚山孤。Wind and rain come to Wu a

  • [句子]英文谚语送别

    英文谚语送别,谚语大全,1、蜡烛有心还惜别,替人垂泪到天明。Candles have a heart to say goodbye, tears for people until dawn.2、会得离人无限意,千丝万絮惹春风。It will leave people indefinitely and make spring

  • [句子]英语离别谚语

    英语离别谚语,谚语大全,1、人在曲终散,爱在离别时。At the end of the song, love is leaving.2、离别没有离别,就像爱没有声音。Absence without parting is like love without sound.3、相逢方一笑,相送还成泣。When we meet,

  • [句子]英语谚语离别

    英语谚语离别,谚语大全,1、离恨恰如春草,更行更远还生。Hatred is just like spring grass. It goes farther and survives.2、门外若无南北路,人间应免别离愁。If there is no north-south road outside the door, the

  • [句子]酒英文句子

    酒英文句子,经典句子,1、半斤不当酒,一斤扶墙走,斤半墙走我不走。Half a catty of wine is not appropriate, one catty walks against the wall, and half a catty walks without me.2、输了咱不喝,赢了咱倒赖,吃不完了兜

  • [句子]经典英语句子带翻译

    经典英语句子带翻译,经典句子,1、童话已经结束,遗忘就是幸福。The fairy tale is over, the forgetfulness is happiness.2、所谓秘密,是那些注定无法分享的事情。The secret is the things that are doomed to be unable to sh

  • [句子]伤感英语句子大全

    伤感英语句子大全,伤感的句子,1、别再伤我的心了,里面住的可是你。Don't break my heart again, it's you.2、有时候你想掏心,人家也未必想看。Sometimes you want to dig, people may not want to see.3、寂寞是没人陪你,孤独是没人
