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  • [说说]骂人的英语长句子

    骂人的英语长句子,伤感说说,1、什么不好当,竟然去当街头乞丐的情人,你还真是恬不知耻。And what is bad when, when street beggar's lover, you are really shameless.2、你是你妈跟别的男人生的野种,有本事你去跟你爸做DNA鉴定。You are you

  • [签名]qq签名伤感英文

    qq签名伤感英文,伤感个性签名,1、爱情就是,你的好、被对方所需要。Good, love is, you need to be by each other.2、我的眼泪,只能证明我的悲伤而已。My tears can only prove that my sadness.3、爱就是带着一点点陶醉,一点心碎。Love is taki

  • [句子]呼啸山庄优美英语句子

    呼啸山庄优美英语句子,唯美的句子,1、我喜欢你,因为你比我更像我自己。I love you, because you are more like me than I am.2、黑色,黑色,是我爱人头发的颜色。Black, black, is the color of my wife's hair.3、骄傲的人给自己种下的悲伤

  • [名言]关于微笑的英语名言

    关于微笑的英语名言,英语名言,1、美是力量,微笑是它的剑。Beauty is power, a smile is its sword.2、微笑乃是具有多重意义的语言。Smile is the multiple significance of language.3、真正值钱的是不花一文钱的微笑。Truly valuable is

  • [句子]英语经典语句

    英语经典语句,经典句子,1、人生来如风雨,去如微尘。Life like rain, go as dust.2、只做第一个我,不做第二个谁。Just do the first one, don't do second who.3、如果方向错了,停下来就是前进。If the direction is wrong, st

  • [句子]英文骂人的脏话

    英文骂人的脏话,好词好句,1、缺狗粮才知道来找我?Lack of dog food to just know to me?2、别跟我说话,我有洁癖。Don't talk to me, I have cleanliness.3、孩子,人傻不能复生啊!Children, silly not resurrected!4、请

  • [句子]骂人的英文

    骂人的英文,好词好句,1、你垃圾,你全家都垃圾。Your trash, you and your family all rubbish.2、人穷有志气、人贱则无敌!Poor people have ambition, people mean invincible!3、市井无赖你最在行,你主攻!Main street ro

  • [句子]晚安的英文

    晚安的英文,幸福的句子,1、你的晚安是世上最好的安眠药。Your good night is the best sleeping pills.2、晚安不重要、重要的是谁说的。Good night is not important, important is who said that.3、早安晚安,有你能安,没你怎安。Go

  • [说说]qq心情短语英文

    qq心情短语英文,说说心情短语,1、你愿意嫁给我吗?我愿意。Would you like to marry me? I do2、等我回家过年,一起见爸妈。Waiting for me to go home for the new year, together with my parents.3、花在美,也没你在我心里美。Flowe

  • [短信]七夕情人节温馨英文祝福

    七夕情人节温馨英文祝福,七夕节短信,1、爱是无辜的风筝,拉着最在乎的人。Love is innocent kite, pulling the most care about.2、你从未把我放心上,又怎会懂得我对你的好。You never trust me, how can understand my good for you.3、如果

  • [签名]qq英语心情签名

    qq英语心情签名,QQ个性签名,1、思想有多远,你就给我滚多远!How far is the thought, you give me how far!2、情已断,梦难全,来生再续缘。Feelings have been broken, the dream is difficult, the next life and then

  • [格言]愚人节英文祝福短信

    愚人节英文祝福短信,英语格言,1、正在删除通讯录全部信息将丢失请稍侯。Deleting contacts all information will be lost, please wait。2、都说猪很懒,但我不这么认为。至少现在,我发现有一头猪正在看短信。All say pig is very lazy, but I don&

  • [格言]愚人节英文整人短信

    愚人节英文整人短信,英语格言,1、由于“和平”号坠落,为防止损坏你的手机,请关机一周以保安全!Due to the "peace" to fall, to prevent damage to your phone, please turn off a week to secure!2、

  • [格言]愚人节英文整人短信

    愚人节英文整人短信,英语格言,1、由于“和平”号坠落,为防止损坏你的手机,请关机一周以保安全!Due to the "peace" to fall, to prevent damage to your phone, please turn off a week to secure!2、

  • [名言]英语作文万能名言

    英语作文万能名言,英语名言,1、Where there is a will,there is a way。 有志者事竟成。2、It's hardly too much to say that… 它几乎没有太多的说…3、It's hardly that… 这是很难的&he
